Celebrating Pakistan’s Independence Day with a Spirit of Debate at RIMS Multan


The Royal Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) in Multan, a leading institution for medical education, has been nurturing the minds of future healthcare professionals for the past 14 years. To mark Pakistan’s 14 August Independence Day, RIMS proudly hosted a debate competition, offering students a platform to voice their thoughts on the significance of our nation's independence.

The Debate Competition: A Platform for Excellence

The Independence Day debate competition saw enthusiastic participation from several local colleges, including Aspire College, Muslim College, and KIPS College. With many participants in total from these colleges—the event showcased the diverse talent within our educational community.

Our debate competition was judged by a distinguished panel, and the top 3 positions were secured by participants from RIMS, Muslim College, and KIPS College. Additionally, an art competition was held for RIMS students, allowing them to display their creative skills.

Recognizing Excellence

The winners of both competitions were awarded prize money and certificates for their outstanding performances. We were honored to have Sardar Ijaz Ahmad Khan, ex-Minister, and Malik Rehan Abbas Khokhar, Director of Hajj, as our chief guests. Their presence added prestige to the event, and their words of encouragement were greatly appreciated by all attendees.

The audience was captivated by the speeches, which highlighted the importance of independence and the values that define our nation. The event was not just a celebration of Pakistan’s Independence Day but also a celebration of the young minds who will shape the future of our country.

Looking Forward

At RIMS, we are committed to providing our students with opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. Events like this debate competition are essential in developing well-rounded individuals who are not only knowledgeable in their fields but also skilled in communication and critical thinking.

As we look to the future, we will continue to organize such events that encourage our students to explore their potential, express their ideas, and contribute meaningfully to society.